Coaching Applications (2025-2026) (Loyalist Township Minor Hockey)

Coaching Applications (2025-2026)
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the upcoming season. Please complete the attached form with all required and necessary information.

I certify that the above information represents an accurate description of my qualifications. If I am successful for a position on a Loyalist Township Minor Hockey Association team, I will maintain the proper certification required by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA), and ensure that every member of the teams’ volunteer staff under my leadership is certified appropriately, at all times, and within the OMHA guidelines.. If successful, I will adhere to LTMHA's Code of Conduct at all times.

I understand if successful for a position as a coach, I will have have an up to date CPIC completed by the appropriate means.. This CPIC will be kept in a confidential file only viewed by the LTMHA Executive Board.

By clicking the box below I acknowledge that the information in the completed form is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that by checking the box, it represents my signature. Incomplete applications will not be considered.